IMO this app is one of the most interesting developments that I've come across in recent times!!! Has the potential to evolve into an end-to-end turnkey solution for traders in the Indian context, if all goes according to as envisaged/ attempted by the developer. And am sure, that with Joy behind the driving controls, it will do so.
That having been said, there is likely to be an associated steep learning curve to be negotiated, as well as fill in the blanks with various li'll bits n pieces of improvements. Am aware that this is merely v.1 and is kind of a prelude to (better) things yet to be unveiled, still some constructive critique to enable future development,
1. Charting is fairly rudimentary - Has no zoom in-out function. In live trading it is helpful to see where the price has historically been by zooming out to a birds' eye view prior to zooming in for the micro finesse. Indicator library is (presently) woefully sparse. Indicator does not track-in with the chart while scrolling vertically. Multi-timeframe overlays are either not yet implemented or are not intuitively configurable. The choice of implementation of regional fonts and symbols (in addition to a standard line for indicators) is a nice touch.
2. Databases - As the help instructions are more adequately populated by and by, this will become clearer, but as of now the ability to import ticker symbols needs to be instructed as well as the process for importing the databases (separately for intraday as well as EOD) exported by other widely used TA platforms viz. ami, ninja, mt4, metastock etc needs to be explained/ implemented.
3. Help Instructions/ Flash videos - Need of the hour!!! The more, the merrier AND the faster, the better!!!
Note: Would be amenable to pitching in for helping out with the same, if required.
The exploration of features pertaining to order execution and management has been put on hold till live market activity, and the leisure to test the same, permits. However did note the OCO feature!!! This is an auspicious start!!! Have been pointing this out for quite a while to developers in the hope that they might listen

Its nice to see an Indian version akin to the IB TWS being developed, this augurs good tidings for traders in future!!!
Despite the development being in the early stages, comparisons to widely used industry leader TA platforms are inevitable. This is not necessarily a bad thing. For one, it gives an already established & expected benchmark to aim for. For the other, the implementation of similar features will enable smoother user ease of transference and enable shortening of the (steep) learning curve.
Kudos n Regards,
P.S - @ Joy - Would like to see the Data Manager module and the Order Management module as standalone add-ins capable of linking with other TA platforms for data feed plus order execution & management (my personal bias is for ami