Click or drag to resize

DrawingBase Properties

The DrawingBase type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActualHeight
Gets or sets the actual height
Protected propertyActualLineWidth
Gets the actual width
Public propertyActualScale
Gets the actual scale
Public propertyActualWidth
Gets or sets the actual width
Public propertyBars
Gets the Bars associated with the object
Public propertyBarSpace
Gets or sets the bar space
Public propertyBarWidth
Gets or sets the bar width
Public propertyBitmapEffect Obsolete.
Gets or sets a BitmapEffect value for the ContainerVisual.
(Inherited from ContainerVisual.)
Public propertyBitmapEffectInput Obsolete.
Gets or sets a BitmapEffectInput value for the ContainerVisual.
(Inherited from ContainerVisual.)
Public propertyBrush
Gets the object brush
Public propertyCacheMode
Gets or sets a cached representation of the ContainerVisual.
(Inherited from ContainerVisual.)
Public propertyChildren
Gets the child collection of the ContainerVisual.
(Inherited from ContainerVisual.)
Public propertyClip
Gets or sets the clipping region of the ContainerVisual.
(Inherited from ContainerVisual.)
Public propertyContentBounds
Gets the bounding box for the contents of the ContainerVisual.
(Inherited from ContainerVisual.)
Public propertyDefaultTemplate
Gets the default template
Public propertyDependencyObjectType
Gets the DependencyObjectType that wraps the CLR type of this instance. 
(Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public propertyDescendantBounds
Gets the union of all the content bounding boxes for all of the descendants of the ContainerVisual, but not including the contents of the ContainerVisual.
(Inherited from ContainerVisual.)
Public propertyDispatcher
Gets the Dispatcher this DispatcherObject is associated with.
(Inherited from DispatcherObject.)
Public propertyDrawing
Gets the drawing content of the DrawingVisual object.
(Inherited from DrawingVisual.)
Public propertyEffect
Gets or sets the bitmap effect to apply to the ContainerVisual.
(Inherited from ContainerVisual.)
Public propertyHandleCount
Gets the number of handles
Protected propertyInnerHandleBrush
Gets the Inner handle brush
Public propertyIsRoundedToTickSize
Gets or sets the price points to the nearest tickSize
Public propertyIsSealed
Gets a value that indicates whether this instance is currently sealed (read-only).
(Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public propertyIsSelected
Gets or sets whether the object is selected or not
Public propertyIsSharpScript
Gets if the chart object is created by a sharpScript code
Public propertyLastBarPainted
Gets or sets the last bar painted
Protected propertyLineHitTestWidth
Gets the actual line width
Public propertyLineWidth
Gets or sets the width of the line
Public propertyMax
Gets or sets the max
Public propertyMin
Gets or sets the min
Public propertyName
Public propertyOffset
Gets or sets the offset value of the ContainerVisual from its reference point.
(Inherited from ContainerVisual.)
Public propertyOpacity
Gets or sets the Opacity of the brush
Public propertyOpacityMask
Gets or sets a brush that specifies a possible opacity mask for the ContainerVisual.
(Inherited from ContainerVisual.)
Protected propertyOuterHandleBrush
Gets the outerHandleBrush
Public propertyParent
Gets the parent Visual for the ContainerVisual.
(Inherited from ContainerVisual.)
Public propertyReferenceDate
Gets or sets a reference date which will be used for serialization. If Bars start date is less than the reference date then the chart object wont be added
Public propertyTag
Gets the tag name of the drawing object
Public propertyTemplate
Gets the template object
Public propertyTemplateType
Gets the template type
Public propertyTickSize
Gets the ticksize
Public propertyTransform
Gets or sets the transform that is applied to the ContainerVisual.
(Inherited from ContainerVisual.)
Protected propertyVisualBitmapEffect Obsolete.
Gets or sets the BitmapEffect value for the Visual.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Protected propertyVisualBitmapEffectInput Obsolete.
Gets or sets the BitmapEffectInput value for the Visual.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Protected propertyVisualBitmapScalingMode
Gets or sets the BitmapScalingMode for the Visual.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Protected propertyVisualCacheMode
Gets or sets a cached representation of the Visual.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Protected propertyVisualChildrenCount
Gets the number of children for the ContainerVisual.
(Inherited from ContainerVisual.)
Protected propertyVisualClearTypeHint
Gets or sets the ClearTypeHint that determines how ClearType is rendered in the Visual.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Protected propertyVisualClip
Gets or sets the clip region of the Visual as a Geometry value.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Protected propertyVisualEdgeMode
Gets or sets the edge mode of the Visual as an EdgeMode value.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Protected propertyVisualEffect
Gets or sets the bitmap effect to apply to the Visual.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Protected propertyVisualOffset
Gets or sets the offset value of the visual object.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Protected propertyVisualOpacity
Gets or sets the opacity of the Visual.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Protected propertyVisualOpacityMask
Gets or sets the Brush value that represents the opacity mask of the Visual.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Protected propertyVisualParent
Gets the visual tree parent of the visual object.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Protected propertyVisualScrollableAreaClip
Gets or sets a clipped scrollable area for the Visual.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Protected propertyVisualTextHintingMode
Gets or sets the TextHintingMode of the Visual.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Protected propertyVisualTextRenderingMode
Gets or sets the TextRenderingMode of the Visual.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Protected propertyVisualTransform
Gets or sets the Transform value for the Visual.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Protected propertyVisualXSnappingGuidelines
Gets or sets the x-coordinate (vertical) guideline collection.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Protected propertyVisualYSnappingGuidelines
Gets or sets the y-coordinate (horizontal) guideline collection.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Public propertyXSnappingGuidelines
Gets or sets the X (horizontal) guideline for the ContainerVisual.
(Inherited from ContainerVisual.)
Public propertyYSnappingGuidelines
Gets or sets the Y (vertical) guideline for the ContainerVisual.
(Inherited from ContainerVisual.)
See Also