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ArthaChitra Version Release Candidate, release date 14th September 2017

Existing Users : Please do a clean installation. Please refer here to know How to do a clean installation.




FixedConnectionNOW connection symbol can be parsed to return the full value nse_fo||BANKNIFTY0381725000CE <exchange>||<symbol><ddMyy><strike Price><Call type>
FixedMiscApplication crashes if Machine Id cannot be fetched
FixedConnectionCurrentUser registry entry
ChangedOrderOrder/Position IsMargin property replaced by ProductType. Views also changed accordingly
ChangedSharpScriptAccountPosition Scanner user code changed to implement the changes in IsMargin property
FixedConnectionUser has to restart the application to login to Kite connection once disconnected
FixedViewsOrder price displayed MinValue in MainView OrdersTab for market orders. Now will display 0 (zero)
FixedSharpScriptVolumeDataType not showing value for OI
ChangedSharpScriptSet() order method if called when State == State.StartUp then it will be cached like when State == State.Initialized
FixedSharpScriptOnFill, OnPosition method getting called before the strategy internals are calculated
AddedConnectionNOW connection now supports MCX exchange
FixedConnectionGoogle connection due to change in google url
FixedViewsMarket Scanner crashes if Indicator is selected before BarType via Column Selector View
FixedViewsDouble clicking on the scrollBar in the Indicator/Strategy Selector View will popup a dialog that the script is not selected
ChangedSharpScriptAlert now dons a reset function and a tag string identifier
AddedSharpScriptScanner scriptCodes now have Alert and PlaySound method.
AddedViewsTopmost menuItem in Alert View
FixedViewsLocalization not working in alert context menuItems
FixedDataInstrument List is sorted alphabetically
FixedDataIndicator fails to load/de-serialize on startup if connected before the workspace is initialized
AddedResourcesResources : TimeInForceDAY, OrderStateNotModified, OrderStateNotCancelled, ProductTypeCash, ProductTypeMargin, ProductTypeCO, ProductTypeOCO, ProductTypeUnknown, LblOrderTemplate, LblTarget, LblIsTrailing, LblTrailingTicks, LblOrderTemplateViewModel, AlertPriorityHigh, AlertPriorityMedium, AlertPriorityLow, LblPreviousClose, LblChange, LblTotalVolume, LblOpenInterest, LblVWAP, LblUnderlying, LblUpperCircuit, LblLowerCircuit, LblLastTradedTime, LblRecentHigh, LblRecentLow, LblSnapQuotesViewModel